Events & News

New Horizons Village upgrades climate control with $75,000 CHEFA Grant

February 20, 2017

New Horizons Village recently received a $75,000 grant from the Connecticut Health and Educational Facilities Authority (CHEFA) to install 15 new energy efficient air conditioning...

Thank you to the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation for a $4000 Quality of Life Grant for the purchase of a Sara Active Lift.

February 20, 2017

The Sara® 3000 is a standing and raising aid that features the latest ArjoHuntleigh-pioneered developments. The ergonomic design and powered features enable a single caregiver...

Upcoming Wellness Festival on Saturday, October 7th hosted by Cigna and New Horizons Village

February 5, 2017

On Saturday, October 7th from 11:00am to 2:00pm, New Horizons Village and Cigna will be hosting a Wellness Festival for individual with physical disabilities &...

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